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magnolia tree buds

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  • Electro Funk
    Sep 20, 07:26 PM
    I don't think it would make sense to make a totally great� device and then cripple it by excluding DVR functionality (IMO they already crippled it by excluding DVD player)

    i am glad there is not a dvd player included... now if it was bluray or HD DVD (even an upconverting player that scaled to 720p or 1080I) that would be a whole nother story... but, if it was just your run of the mill 480p dvd then i dont want to pay extra for it... i already have 3 dvd players and a samsung upconverting dvd player...

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  • spicyapple
    Sep 26, 12:55 AM
    8 cores ought to be enough for anybody. true, what would you do with extra cores? simply overkill.

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  • Sheebahawk
    Aug 29, 02:16 PM
    that needs to be accounted for... the lifespan of an apple computer. Its about 3 times that of a dell, at least in my experiance. I've saved all my old macs cuz they still work.

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  • Digital Skunk
    Apr 13, 07:49 AM
    I don't want to claim this or that about myself nor do I want to say that I know this person in LA or whatever.

    I get a paycheck for what I do and I love my job.

    Now, personally, I am excited about the update, but very concerned about the apps shortcuts and the minor details that makes an NLE a professional level app.

    We can calm down about the whiners/drama-queens, and we can calm down about the consumers flaming the pros.

    The PROS are concerned not because of anything other than their bread and butter app heading in a direction no one may have asked for. Many of us get paid to get a job done in X amount of time. To save time we remap keys, use shortcuts and 3rd party surfaces and other hardware to speed the edit.

    We like change but we like change to be in-tune with what an app needed to give us the competitive edge. We aren't worried about young folks talking a good game but not knowing the difference between CTRL-V and CTRL-M in FCP.

    I will save my major comments until I see the shortcut layout, the amount of customization, and hear from the working industry . . . you know the ones too busy getting it done to attend the event. Not the ones that got paid go.

    With that said, the CONSUMERS are happy I see because they literally do see this update as candy. Another app they can buy to cut their home movies. The college students see an app they can afford (even though FCE was perfect).

    Can we turn off the water works and whiny pro/consumer bashing and get back on topic?

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 13, 05:26 PM
    Ahem, the CANDU reactor design is the 'common rail diesel' of the nuclear World.

    It will burn the equivalent of cooking oil. :p

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 15, 01:06 PM
    True Christians know that they are no longer subject to the laws associated with the Davidic covenant. Jesus Christ instituted a new covenant, which does not condone death for any person for any crime. So to directly answer your question, a true Cristian wouldn't support that. A true Christian doesn't hate a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered person. They would respect and love their neighbor regardless of their sexual preference. A Christian doesn't have to agree with their lifestyle choices, but they are in no way permitted to judge or hate someone for those choices.

    Sorry but I find this patently laughable. True Christian? Does that mean anyone who doesn't believe in the same interpretation of the bible as you do? I bet there are millions who would point the finger at you and say you are not a true Christian. You both, of course, are wrong as there cannot be any truth in a system based on faith.

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  • sbarton
    Jul 13, 09:03 AM
    930 is a netburst-CPU (P4) and those are absoluitely dirt-cheap these days, dual-core or not. Intel is basically donating them to OEM's these days. Not so with Conroe.

    So Dell has a system with dirt-cheap CPU and that vaunted Dell-"designed" case for under $1000. And you are now expecting to get an Apple-system with kick-ass case and considerably more expensive CPU with just $200 extra?

    That said, I would like to see a Apple minitower-system that uses the Conroe. It wont be as cheap as Dell, since whereas Dell might cut corners everywhere, Apple simply does not. Even their cheapest system (Mini for example) are very refined. Could you imagine an Apple-system that is made from cheap plastic (like this HP-system standing next to me)? I sure as hell can't.

    Fine what would you pay? Whats fair? Seems like Apple's product line says 'take it or leave it with the imac' or 'cough up a lung for the Pro line'. There's nothing in the middle.

    Yes, I appreciate the Apple design considerations. I'm willing to pay a premium for it. The question is - How much?

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  • Apple OC
    Apr 23, 02:29 AM
    This is just a form of soldier conditioning. Don't fool yourself into thinking we don't do this to our own soldiers. That's why we get them when they are young 18 year olds who are impressionable and tell them they are doing this for "god and country". The good wolves will "go to heaven" protecting the sheep. "God Speed" in their mission. Being sent out to get blown up by an IED is as cannon fodderish as strapping one to your chest. The only difference is that the latter tactic is used in times of despiration against an overwhelmingly powerful enemy. Just like Kamakazis, Viet Cong, etc. And now these ppl make our TV's and clothing. ;)

    sorry but you are wrong ... we do not tell soldiers they are fighting for God or that there is anything such as being a martyr

    nice try though :rolleyes:

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  • MacPhilosopher
    May 5, 11:31 AM
    As much as I want to say that it s a grass is always greener type situation, in Phoenix AT&T is considered the worst. Especially indoors. They really must stretch the towers out here in the desert. I can;t even use my iphone in my home.

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  • torbjoern
    Apr 23, 01:43 AM
    It's easier to admit being an atheist on the Internet than in the real world, as even the Dalai Lama seems to hate atheists. Although only a fool would say in his heart "there is no god", it should be legitimate to say "I want to see proof before I believe".

    Oh - and about the universe not likely being made by chance: a designer must be more advanced than what he creates, and where does the designer come from? I'm not saying that there is no such designer, just that I don't see any reason to think about that in the first place. Wouldn't it be far more likely that the universe is made by itself rather than by some creating force being made by itself?

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  • mr. who?
    Apr 13, 07:48 AM
    What are the chances that Logic X will be released around the same time?

    Would be awseome, but I doubt it.

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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 22, 09:28 PM
    Well, I can see why there would be "a lot" of atheists here from a "statistical" relation.

    1) Mac users are prolly richer on average.
    Let's be honest, many ppl consider Macs a rip-off, really. :D But if you have money to blow, who cares!
    Wealth goes up with educational attainment. Numerous studies show this.
    Educational attainment causes theism to go down. Numerous studies show this too.
    This applies for young (not yet "educated") ppl from "wealthy" families as well because parents who don't take theism seriously are less likely to pass it on to children.

    2) PRSI forum users are into "knowledge" and current events.
    The internet is one big information gateway in general.
    Those who are enthusiastic enough to use it for the purpose of extracting knowledge, are likely more educated (refer #1) and/or know much more about the world. The more you know about the world and your environment and other cultures (aka educated), the less your exposure is restricted to your immediate community. Therefore, you are more open to other religious as well as the idea of "not picking a side".

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  • javajedi
    Oct 9, 09:34 PM
    Alex, thank you for setting the record straight. I am so sick and tired of hearing the over and over highly fallacious arguments. In many ways these ppl are worse than Windows bigots. They *think* they are educated but aren't; at least Windows bigots don't pretend.

    I can personally vouch for the miserable performance on double-precision floating point: The Java test I made is a simple timing comparison of a double-loop of 200,000,000 type double fp ops (multiply,square root, and addition).

    Lower scores are better:

    G4 800: 104251
    P4 2.6: 5890

    *VIA C3 Ezra: 103043

    Incidentally I ran the test on my linux "cube" box. Actually more of a rectangle- but hey? :) Looks like this http://www.tech-report.com/reviews/2001q4/shuttle-sv24/index.x?pg=1

    Anyways, I put in a VIA C3 processor. 800 mhz, runs very cool, no fan required. The chip is extremely reasonable.. I paid $29 for it 3 months ago. In my benchmark this low end, elcheapo $29 chip outperformed/equaled my $3500 PowerBook.

    Jesus Jumping Christ ppl.. wake up and listen to what alex is saying; he is *NOT* arbitrarily pulling this out of his ass.

    You may hear a bunch of flames from others, but not me. I for one (and many others on this board) thank you for taking the time. Regardless though, no matter what, there will always be those individuals that will not listen to logic and reason. Instead they will dismiss the truth along with anyone and everything as being �PC biased�. People need to stop treating this like religion and start being real.

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  • chrono1081
    May 2, 08:52 PM
    Mac OS X fanboys really need to stop clinging to the mentality that "viruses" don't exist for OS X and that "malware" is a Windows-only problem. Who cares if viruses don't exist for OS X? News flash: viruses aren't all that common on Windows anymore. They just aren't. Phishing, Spear Phishing, trojans, and social engineering are much more cost- and time-effective ways to breach a computer's security.

    So no matter what you call "MACDefender," it's a problem. One that's not likely to be caught by a user who has been fed the Koolaid that malware is a Windows problem and that they don't need to be aware.

    Can you for once write something truthful? Why are you even here. Windows viruses are more rampant than ever before, trust me I remove them for a living and it eats up a good chunk of my work week.

    As for your constant "fanboy" comments I think calling people "fanboys" should get you the ban hammer. No one wants to hear it anymore. They just don't. Oh, and for the "koolaid" cliche? Real original :rolleyes: Haven't heard that a million times.

    You obviously know nothing about Windows or Mac if you honestly believe the FUD you constantly put on this forum.

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  • TheUndertow
    Apr 9, 07:49 PM
    I 'm waiting for Apple to BUY Nintendo.

    I'm hoping/expecting they're the next to get into the ring from a console standpoint and they've come out of nowhere to be sneaky good with the portable gaming.

    I'm a gamer and my original iPad had kept me surprisingly content since my Asus G71G-Q gaming notebook died (and I waited until it was out of warranty to finally send).

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 31, 06:16 PM
    This discussion is rather amusing in a way - "don't buy 4 cores, wait for 8 cores!" etc. - yeah, and in a few months it'll be "don't buy 8 cores, wait for 16 cores!" and then 32 cores, blah blah, ad infinitum... :p ;) :D :cool:No kidding. :rolleyes: All I want is to compress video faster than I can with the 4-core Mac Pro - that's IT. So if it won't do that, I'll just have a cow and go to bed for six months. :eek:

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  • twoodcc
    Sep 20, 09:36 AM
    well i'm very glad that you can hook up or put in a hard drive. maybe it will be worth me buying after all

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  • theelysium
    May 16, 05:52 PM
    I have a huge drop call and coverage issue at my new home in Rancho Cordova, CA. I live by Jackson HWY (16). I have been excessive with my reports through my AT&T iPhone app "Mark The Spot". After 6 months of reports for only about 10% of the issues (I have so many issue here 10% was a lot :eek: of reporting!) I've experience they sent me a message letting me know that my reports helped pinpoint a tower issues and it will be replaced in a few weeks!

    I know AT&T has issues, but I'd like to see if Verizon would actually do something like this! I am not happy with the network experience I've had here, but I am really happy to see that my voice was heard from a large company using innovative tools created by them on my iPhone.

    I can tell that the tower is currently being worked on, because my service is getting worse. It won't be long now that I'll finally be able to a constant signal and hopefully no more dropped calls.

    Before I received the message that they would replace the tower I ordered an AT&T micro cell. I think I'll install it anyway just to see how it will improve my coverage. This also brings up another point that they are giving us the ability to fix coverage issues with the Micro Cell they are offering. I know it's $150 (expensive), but at least they are offering an alternative for you.

    One thing I've noticed as a customer is any aspect of the New AT&T that was legacy Cingular seems in the most part to be fine. It's all the junk they merged in from the legacy AT&T Wireless. This goes for call centers, towers, policies, etc. If I call customer service and have an excellent experience I'll ask the rep, "Are you legacy Cingluar or AT&T?" Every time they say Cingular. Of course if I have the opposite and ask "Are you legacy Cingluar or AT&T?" They either don't know what the word legacy means (which I then have to explain) or they say of course AT&T! I wish Cingular stayed Cingular and let AT&T die off! Legacy AT&T is the cancer in the New AT&T which is just Cingular with AT&T's name.

    It's silly to think that the AT&T name is so valuable that they'd buy the crappy company just to use their stupid :eek: name. Who cares if AT&T is as recognizable as Coca Cola overseas?! Why not be so great at what you do that your name (Cingular), becomes as recognizable as Coca Cola! Cingular shouldn't have bought recognition... they should have tried to earn it! If they had tried to earn their recognition we wouldn't have Legacy AT&T's cancer in our cell phone company!:(

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  • alex_ant
    Oct 11, 04:21 PM
    Originally posted by Backtothemac
    And I care why? It doesn't matter how fast you can surf on your PC. I can get around fast enough on my Mac. People who say Mac's are too slow are the same people that never take the time to watch a sunset or spend a day with their kid.
    Or perhaps the people who say Macs are too slow are the ones who would like more time to watch a sunset or spend a day with their kid?

    Apr 24, 01:30 PM
    I'll support any group (religious or secular) that:

    A: Doesn't try to curtail my freedom and liberty and

    B: Acts as a bulwark against any group which does seek to curtail my freedom and liberty.

    I sure hope you're pro gay marriage.

    Apr 8, 11:54 PM
    These people are fleeing the "yellow light of death� on PS3 or "red ring of death' on 360. The consoles are so poorly made that broken PS3's seldomly fetch $50 on eBay.

    Apple has a real opportunity to make a name in gaming as gamers know quality and appreciate being taken seriously.

    Aug 29, 11:36 AM
    I try to have a low environmental footprint (sometimes I fail, but I try to be aware of when and why I fail) and I do hope Apple improve their game.

    As one poster said above, the Apple board are on record as reccomending preventing the start of their computer recycling program. That kind of appalling head-in-the-sand-ism doesn't give me high hopes for their other green credentials.

    I think the low rating is a combination of several things :

    1. Apple stupidly refusing to release info that would improve their ratings.
    2. Vast overpackaging on their products. Apple products typically come inside a white bleached box inside a white bleached box inside another white bleached box. Dell probably uses recycled unbleached cardboard for their packaging. To be honest, when I opened my powerbook packaging, while I appreciated its nice design, I was also staggered at what a waste of space and resources it was.
    3. Maybe, possibly, the Greenpeace survey didn't take into account the lifespan length of Apple computers as being designed to last longer than similar PCs.
    4. Millions upon millions of Ipods. Many overpackaged, and intended to be thrown away when the battery goes... (yes some people have replaced them, but it's not a designed feature)

    I have sort of noticed that many 1960s hippies or ex-hippies have a very me-me-me attitude - they meditate, go to workshops, do nice things etc, and it's all to improve themselves. Rarely do they think about actually improving others or the world in general. That's one advantage that the post-hippies generation has - they have a better ecological awareness (if I can be so general.)

    I'll put my flame-pants on now and wait for you to contradict me.

    Sep 21, 10:34 AM
    It has HDMI output.. One way or another, it'll output HD (720p?1080p???)

    Now, as to what the source quality will be...

    I'd be happy as a pig in... to see true 480p/DVD w/ slightly higher bitrates from the iTS... (Ability to burn to DVD is what I'm holding out for) I think the network requirements to stream HD (hard drive or not) will rule out HD source for the short term/1.0.

    Looking at the device, and the price.. I think it will behave much more like a wireless OPPO upconverting/upscaling DVD player...


    $199 for the highest rated up-converting DVD player...

    My gut says that the Apple iPod Video Express will either have the same DCDi by Faroudja chip, or the closest ATI/NVidia/Intel equal inside.

    If this device will cleanly up-convert/up-scale any video content on my Mac(s) to the native res of my TV (480, 720p, 1080p, etc) as well as the OPPO, I think it will be well worth the price Apple is talking about.

    Just my $0.02US.


    Apr 28, 03:18 PM
    Huh? A 2008 MBP should have no problem running iTunes.

    You keep forgetting that most people run Windows on their Mac computers and iTunes on Windows is junk (yeah, Apple demands that others - like Adobe - optimize their software, if only they did that themselves).