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  • Eidorian
    Mar 23, 01:06 PM
    Works just fine for me, just as it did yesterday.

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  • G4scott
    Sep 12, 07:17 AM
    Rendezvous seems like really cool technology, but I see only one problem...


    I don't know if they have plans to support Rendezvous, but I can tell you right now, that they will have something like it soon, and if it isn't Rendezvous, then we're screwed... Unless the major electronics manufacturers say "we will only use Rendezvous, because it is an open standard", and essentially ***** microsoft over, because we all know how microdick feels about open standards... If they can't have complete control over it, then it sucks, and it's bad...

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  • MisterMe
    Sep 7, 04:50 PM
    Originally posted by Cappy


    What Mac fanatic site have you been reading?
    USA Today (http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/technology/2002-09-05-cheap-pcs_x.htm)


    Frankly though I do have to say that it's flat out amazing how Apple has weathered the storm with them against the world....
    I guess you would.

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  • quagmire
    Mar 24, 11:32 PM
    A little rant here about the Rep system of live. First, I will say I don't really care about the rep system all that much. It can be abused, etc. But, one of the reasons is entirely stupid. " Avoid player. Reason: Quit Early". Why on earth have that as a reason to avoid a person? What if someone had to go do something and had to leave? What if the person lags out of the game? What if his 360 crashes? There is no way the people in the game knows that my 360 crashed or I lagged out of the game. It is especially common to lag out in Battlestations: Midway as it seems the servers are picky and demand a real good connection to host a room. Eh, maybe I am being a bit hypocritical by saying I don't care about the rep system, but then go on a rant about it. Sue me. :p

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  • atomwork
    Sep 23, 04:22 PM
    I like to see that apple fix all screen to HDTV. I have some color variations on my 22". Small but if you are picki you'll see. I saw that those are fixed on the 23". Hope to see something happen there. Its not so easy to get couple 23" at once...

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  • technocoy
    Oct 18, 03:30 PM
    hey everyone,
    :D :D :D I just spoke with my IBM friend.....HE HE HE.....
    Wanna know what he told me???

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  • snoopy
    Oct 5, 05:11 PM
    Originally posted by peter2002
    [i]as long as the topic of music has come up...good digital mixing program for a mac would be......?

    If you are running OS X, Emagic has an OS X version of their program. It is called something like Logic. I have friends in the business, but I do not use music software. Apple now owns Emagic and I think they will do a great job, like they did with Final Cut Pro.

    If you run OS 9, both 1 and 2 get high marks from my friends, but not Cubase. Digital Performer is usually the choice for OS 9 or OS X Classic mode. Studio Vision lacks something or does not do as well at it, but I cannot remember what that something is. They really like the Studio Vision interface, however. At $99 it you do not risk a whole lot.

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  • pgwalsh
    Feb 23, 01:19 PM
    I got

    Connection Error: Could not connect to MySQL instance at localhost. Error: Unknown system variable 'sql_mode' (code 1193) I have the exact same error. I attribute it to something I don't know that I'm doing wrong. Perhaps someone can shed some light?

    3d wallpapers for desktop hd. 3D -WALLPAPER FOR DESKTOP

  • Cappy
    Sep 9, 12:19 AM
    Originally posted by edvniow

    I gotta go with you, jef on this one. If Intel doesn't have something up its sleeve, the Clawhammer is going to, well, hammer the Itanuim into the ground. Compatibility is more important than speed in this case. :)

    It's interesting how everyone has jumped aboard the AMD express and is predicting that the clawhammer will put the hurt'n on Intel if Intel does not provide a similar answer. Odds are MS will force Intel to do just that but the thing people are forgetting is that Intel has tons of mindshare and money that they can use to keep AMD from getting much of anywhere. AMD will not succeed if they don't come up with a few big names...namely Dell and HP. At least one of them has to commit to it for a good length of time.

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  • MacUser1
    Oct 24, 03:49 PM
    Here's what I expect to be presented at MWSF:

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  • jefhatfield
    Apr 4, 12:26 AM
    I miss the old MacRumors. When there were intellectual posts in threads. I remember JefHatField (who is that now BTW, I forget),

    he he...i am still jefhatfield...i was networkman for a short time in the early days of macrumors back when i was still enthusiastic about being a techie (which i have burned out on over the years)

    when i see these boards today, i get used to the new, heavy posters and i think they see macrumors in a new, fresh way us oldtimers did back in the day and they have a sense of community here...otherwise, they wouldn't keep coming back day after day

    i have definitely lurked more than actually posted but that's ok since it's fun to see the new order of macrumors and the personalities and points of view on just about everything under the sun

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  • King Cobra
    Nov 29, 09:43 AM
    Heh. I only applied to the University of Southern Maine and got in. :D

    As for college advice, unquestionably, your hardest required course will be College Writing. I'm going through College Writing this semester, and for only 3 credit/hours, you have a LOT of reading and writing to do. You'll be blown away by how in depth college writing goes.

    Some tips in College Writing:
    (1) College Writing focuses on attention to reading so that you can formulate your own ideas for essays. In particular, the course will focus on the following procedure:

    >Read a 15 to 50 page essay in a book.
    >While reading, mark the text!! You'll pay for your book.
    >Write your responses to the reading in your notebook.

    >Read the essay again.
    >While reading again, mark the text again.
    >Write your second reading responses in your notebook.

    You absolutely MUST may attention to key terms and key themes in the essays you read, and you need to respond to these terms/themes in the essays in your notebook. In particular, how does the author use these key terms/ideas? Because these terms/ideas will drive lots of specifics throughout each reading you do.

    (2) When you do ANY homework writing assignment that will be collected, use specifics and analysis. You have to work for college writing skills now, and you need to prepare for your College Writing essays with specifics. Especially focus on the author's usage(s) of key terms/ideas and how you feel about them.

    Now for the essays...

    (3.1) The hardest part of the course will unquestionably be writing up your essay drafts. My recommendation (and even I plan to do this, come my final draft in a few days): If you have no idea how to start writing your essay, find a quote in the reading, analyze its importance in the reading, find another quote, do the same, and keep analyzing until you THINK you've developed an idea that YOU want to demonstrate in your essay. Make that your argument. Then focus on specific aspects in the readings that support your argument.

    (3.2) Once you have an argument and have thoroughly written out the specifics (either in your essay, or elsewhere), develop a thesis statement. The key elements to it are:
    >The subject
    >An argumentative verb
    >A predicate

    Think of the thesis statement as this: "The subject does this." And that is your entire argument for the essay.

    Little do you already realize it, but an argumentative verb in a thesis statement drives a supported essay in completion.

    (4) My suggestion: NEVER hand in a draft to class unless you do a self peer review of the draft you just typed up. Look for both grammar and concepts that you may easily overlook in your sentences, such as explicit mentions of the subject and relevance of specific aspects of your essay in relation to the argument you want to make.

    As you keep going through the process of reading/responding 2x, writing essays and revising them, AND if you're the dedicated son of a bitch I think you are :p you'll notice three things:

    (1) You'll slowly improve from your first essay (which will more than likely be in the high C to low B range),
    (2) A certain percentage of the class will actually drop out of college writing, and
    (3) You may find yourself as one of the few students doing ALL the assignments AND doing them all on time.

    When I strarted College Writing, the class had about 20 students, and nearly all of them did their assignments and on time. Only a few months later half the class shows up, half of those people do the assignments, and less than half of those people do them to the required extent. (i.e. Just myself and three other people.)

    So the tough stuff comes in College Writing. You'll be blown away by the coverage of the course on college writing aspects.

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  • wrldwzrd89
    Mar 25, 11:54 AM
    I have been waiting for a App like this ever since AEx came out. First use is with VLC, but how `bout using it for apps like Logic, or Cubase? Let the DJ's unhook and mix from across the room.. I bought AirFoil as soon as it was available. I use RealPlayer to listen to some streams not available for iTunes, so being able to listen to any App on my living room stereo is great. Way to go Rouge Amoeba with another great peice of software.(Audio Hijack rocks). I hope Apple embraces this technology, it should be a built-in feature of Tiger (maybe a Widget in Dashboard?)
    Why not use Audio Hijack together with this application to make it even MORE powerful? I should register Audio Hijack...

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  • bdugan
    Mar 17, 11:50 PM
    I used to be a huge WarCraft junkie when WC3 came out. I was thinking about getting the new expansion to World of Warcraft. My only quesiton is do I have to buy the original WoW, or can i just jump straight into the expansion without the original one>


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  • Dagless
    Mar 16, 10:42 PM
    spoiler? :P

    Whoa. yea.

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  • pretentious
    Oct 16, 06:01 AM
    Slower in actual speed I mean.

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  • vniow
    Aug 30, 10:13 PM
    If they were ever to port OSX over to any version of the x86 platform, it would be 64-bit. The Itanic2 and the AMD Clawhammer will be the x86 variations of the future. The chips that they ported OSX to were most likely 32-bit, but porting it to 64-bit shoudn't be to difficult. I have to agree with everybody else that it probably won't happen. x86 is a dying architecture. Intel has pipelined the P4 to hell, the Itanic isn't even x86, and the AMD chips are more RISC than x86. This is only a last-resort option, and there's about a 99.98% chance of this actually happening, so I wouldn't worry.:)

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  • viccles
    Mar 20, 03:45 PM
    Doesn't really worry me other than I could really use the drive space!

    3d wallpapers for desktop hd. 3D WALLPAPERS FOR DESKTOP HD

  • MentalFabric
    May 24, 02:32 PM
    sorry, did a quick search for idont.com but it comes up with everyone who mistypes "idont"!

    Jun 10, 04:29 AM
    Guys, where did we go wrong?! SilentPCReview isn't getting any closer and we lost sight of the Dutch Power Cows. Our output is dropping almost every day. We need to make a battleplan and overtake them once and for all! BTW, there isn't anyone out there that has a computerlab that stays on for the summerbreak at school (or at work) and could install folding on??

    Oct 1, 10:34 AM
    As a matter of factly people, don't be so sure of yourselves that nothing will happen. Nobody really knows, except a few people at Apple of course. ;)

    Sep 25, 01:27 PM
    they sell those as barebone systems @ Frys Electronics here in the SF Bay Area

    Oct 3, 06:26 PM

    Whether it is "Aribitrary" or not. The fact is Intel/AMD both have SIMD units in their "consumer" procs. Apple is a premium Tier 1 Computer Manufacturer. They at the very least should contain what the low end compettion offers.
    My point is that an arbitrary definition of what makes a processor modern means nothing. I can pull "important" specs out of the air too, and declare them to be what makes a processor "modern" or "useful." I presented a 3-part list that establishes easy-to-see advantages that the G3 holds over any G4 currently available. You have presented "I think" and thin-air psuedo-reasoning which really doesn't refute what I said.

    Any apps that support Double Precision math run slower on a G3
    Incorrect. Since double-precision math cannot be done by AltiVec, it comes down to FP unit vs FP unit, and while the G4 (I think) has a slightly better one, that hardly means that the G4 will always be faster. The G4 has the disadvantage of a higher branch-mispredict penalty as well as a smaller L2 cache. (Remember that L3 caches are not iBook equiptment.)

    4 Pipes IMO are preferrable to 7 but it's a trade off. The G4 gained a %40+ speed advantage from adding the 3 stages ..
    It gained less performance than it did clockspeed advantage. A 700mhz G4 with PC100 memory and no L3 would certainly fare poorly against a 750fx with those specs (except in certain AltiVec apps).

    Mr. Anderson
    Sep 26, 03:04 PM
    Those formac monitors are sweet and that's not a bad price. I'd take a pair of those over a 23 any day. And I might when I get my new machine next year, they'll probably be under 1400 by then.