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  • job
    Sep 30, 09:00 PM
    more than 300 posts in 21 days? :eek:

    Damn... Even I did not post that much over the summer.. :D

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  • Freedom Square · Netbook

  • buffsldr
    Oct 14, 09:16 AM
    Originally posted by Source
    Well as Burke said: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "

    Nipsy, you seem to be in a world of your own here. You're not paying attention to what people are saying and doing on this board and simply believing that you're right because you're a shareholder. I could buy a single share in Apple, but it doesn't mean that i'm going to be right about everything i think Apple should do.

    If you want Apple to continue to be "behind" (is that a gentle enough word for you?) in the hardware sector, then that's fine.

    But the FACT is that most Apple users, DON'T. They want to see Apple competing with PC hardware properly. Apple is already such a small part of the market and IMO, they need to increase speed to

    Have you ever heard of the phrase "Give the people what they want" ? Well most people want speed and numbers.

    And anyone who has said "I like your style, Nipsy" in this thread, no you don't, you just like the fact that he's defending your precious Macs. You guys whine and complain about what Apple's needs to do right, but as soon as someone points out that Apple is doing something wrong, you suddenly completely disagree with the very points that you yourselves were making. It's pretty pathetic.

    [Insert Random Unrelated Patriotic statement here]

    [Insert unwanted opinion #1 here]

    [Insert half truth here (eg Give the people what they want, then fail to back it up with marketing research) here]

    [Attack supporters of your fellow debater with personal insults here]

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  • Whos Looking Good With Bike?

  • mr evil brkfast
    Oct 11, 03:00 PM
    I think it was Motorola's Fault to start with. Ever since the G4 Debuted they have not pushed for improvements and left Apple having to drop speeds in realeased products (500 to 450 in the original), and dual processors (July2000) with no speed bump.

    Apple should have realised long ago Mot uselessness and SERIOUSLY investigated other options, so the recent 1.25 GHZ update and any future poor updates are Apple's fault!

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  • Horse Freedom Wallpaper

  • vniow
    Sep 11, 09:14 PM
    Oh hush. You can bitch and complain about Jaguar and no more OS9 all you want, it's not going to bring it back. If you want to run it then run it. Don't go off bitching about it. Where Apple is headed with these 'fancy peripherals' as you so elegantly call them, is the future of home computing. In 5 years there won't be 'personal computers' anymore, there will be a bunch of fancy peripherals interconnected like what Apple and Phillips are doing with Rendevous. You go and run your OS9 if you want, Apple's not going to stop you.

    wallpaper freedom. Posts tagged With Freedom For
  • Posts tagged With Freedom For

  • szark
    Sep 17, 08:37 PM
    Originally posted by dongmin
    how old is that roadmap? Cuz it shows the G4 starting at 0.15 micron process. As far as I know the G4s been stuck at 0.18.

    The one I referenced seems to have a date of 5/2000, which is pretty old.

    The "current" color roadmap above (which also lists the G4 starting at 0.15 micron) has a last modification date of 11/30/2001.

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  • for Freedom Wallpapers

  • iGary
    May 26, 10:51 AM
    216 - will it ever end?

    wallpaper freedom. Open Source Freedom
  • Open Source Freedom

  • mr evil brkfast
    Sep 30, 02:18 PM
    The like to see before the end of the year:

    powerbook 867/1GHZ 64 MB ATI 9000; 167 MHZ BUS; 512 MB DDR

    imac 867/ 1 GHZ; 133 Mhz BUS; GF4 32 MB 256 MB RAM min

    emac 800/867GHZ; 133 Mhz BUS; GF4 32MB 256 Mb RAM min

    ibook 800/ 900 G3; 32 MB ATI 7500; 256 MB RAM min

    What we'll probably see:

    Nothing until January

    Powerbook; imac update January

    Feb/Mar All new ibook

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  • Feel Freedom PSP Wallpaper

  • greatdevourer
    Mar 31, 10:20 AM
    I saw this posted earlier (can't find it easily now).

    However, I'd trade the ability to own an iPod and use Google while young for a billionaire father any day. Seems like, sooner or later (sooner, given Ballmer's rotundness), you'd be able to buy all the iPods you wanted. Ah, OK, Thanks. I can find the other thread (ballmer kids google), however, I hadn't seen the thread at all this week, so I assumed it hasn't been posted yet.

    Also, why does the edit button say "edit/delete", when there's no way to delete it :confused:

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  • Feel Freedom iPhone Wallpaper

  • FadeToBlack
    Mar 20, 05:53 PM
    The Black looks badass.

    I do think the Elite and Premium should both have built-in wifi, though.

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  • cb911
    Oct 16, 12:45 AM
    this story even made it to Slashdot. that's when things really hit the fan.

    check the /. article here: http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/13/1357202&tid=156&tid=98&tid=8

    there's also lots of comments on VersionTracker and MacUpdate, in the comments section of Echelon, i think.

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  • Download freedom festival Wallpaper For Your Iphone:

  • Platform
    Apr 9, 08:01 AM
    But these activation codes will be machine-specific, based on your hardware configuration so it's not like serial numbers...

    If you don't make a living from it, then ask yourself 'Do I really need this software?'

    So how will they work.. wil you buy it and then you will have to connect to the internet and Adobe will check your system and the you will enter a code :confused: :confused:

    I don't really need the software it is just that it is very nice to have and be able to manipulate images and make web pages etc.

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  • mrsebastian
    Apr 5, 12:14 PM
    forget the usual id vs quark battle, but i find it very interesting that adobe cs2 is soon shipping and quark has this promotion at the same time. i think part of the reason id has picked up a lot of users as well, is the price. these prices are from the manufactures sites and are full retail: $899 for the standard edition cs2 and $949 for quark 6 (free upgrade to 6.5). we can argue features and nit pick which program does this or that better, but in the end cs2 is a much better deal, as you also get photoshop, illustrator, and then some. on that note, if you were to get id by itself, it's still cheaper than quark at $699. the premium edition of cs2 is $1199, you the get all the software you need for pretty much everything relating to graphics, from print to web and then some and with a lil creativity you can get it for the standard price.

    why pay more money for quark, when you can get id, which is equally good (this is a price argument, so we'll call them equally good), as well as photoshop and illustrator that every graphics person purchases as well?!... oh yeah, even the upgrade price is better cs2 (standard) at $349, quark $499 if upgrading from version 4 which most people have, since 5 went nowhere. lastly, if you do some searching and are diligent, you can find adobe cs1 for around $250 and upgrade to (premium) cs2 for $549, which brings you to $799 and that is still cheaper than you know who... uh quark, i think you lost the price battle as well. if you could gather your things and just go ahead and leave then, that would be great :D

    wallpaper freedom. Source wallpaper freedom
  • Source wallpaper freedom

    Apr 17, 12:28 PM
    See for yourselves!



    wallpaper freedom. Create Postcard From Freedom
  • Create Postcard From Freedom

  • cr2sh
    Sep 30, 12:55 PM
    Originally posted by madamimadam
    The problem with tests like this is that they are made to give an example of where the machines are at. The only way to make it accurate would be to factor in a few statistical equasions.
    I do not study statistics to go into too much detail but to get a close to accurate study it is necessary to run your results through equasions to factor out the errors in life.

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  • This image called freedom-flag

  • big
    Sep 15, 12:21 AM
    I personally do a lot of rendering...Vector based specifically, and billing clients is an issue when it comes to architectural work.

    A lot of clients view an architect as being overpaid anyways, so when they see a 100 hour bill they can get a little uneasy.

    I pride myself on being able to produce the "best" & most completed set of drawings available, at the absolutely quickest time (ie, I draft like a bat out of hell, and do it accurately, though my spelling is atrocious)

    often I find I must boot into 9 just to produce...however, for mid level drawing 10 is "ok" on a 450 G4, its all about simulation I'm sure (using classic)

    once engsw.com releases Powercadd OSX native, I will be all over that...that should change my booting habits. Though I know a faster machine would make a world of a difference as well.

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  • Freedom iPhone Wallpaper

  • madamimadam
    Aug 28, 08:17 PM
    Let's get to the really important points of all this:


    I think I need to get a job at Apple is they have so much spare time that they can pull something like that off.

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  • Sharewaredemon
    Jun 13, 01:20 PM
    http://www.myspace.com/boywonder8503 :)


    A perfect example of why I hate myspace.

    wallpaper freedom. These songs of freedom?
  • These songs of freedom?

  • Macmaniac
    Sep 9, 07:11 PM
    Well considering we have 10000 registered members alot of em leave but its when one the over 500s leave it is felt, and of course announcing your departure always adds to the "OH MY GOD THEY ARE ALL LEAVING feeling"

    As long as eye is here things will feel normal.

    wallpaper freedom. Sass and Bide Path to Freedom
  • Sass and Bide Path to Freedom

  • EricNau
    May 1, 11:34 PM
    Probably better suited in this forum...

    Windows on the Mac (http://forums.macrumors.com/forumdisplay.php?f=86)

    But yes, it's been discussed before. Potentially, a Windows virus could infect the OS X partition.

    Jun 1, 12:51 PM
    I work in a Mac repair shop so I get so see nothing but busted Macs. You would be amazed how annoying installing Tiger is after the 50th time.

    I just pop the disk in, let it install, and I go grab a soda. I don't see what's so bad about that.

    May 11, 06:47 AM
    The next Office is coming out for MacOS too... out of curiosity, why do you want to run it in Vista?

    EDIT: Somehow, I find the palettes much more appealing than this, though... :(

    When it comes to VBA programming I prefer the Windows version. Plus you have support for ActiveX controls and a broader object library to work with.

    Nov 13, 10:39 PM
    I ran across this program the other day and have been using it. The speed of this version of firefox is much faster than safari or ff1.0. Here is a link to the site.

    Thread consolidation: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=97289&highlight=firefox


    Oct 17, 04:26 PM
    I don't understand the time frames they were talking about! My computer turns on 10 mins before I arrive. When I get there and walk into my office the lights turn on and when I leave they turn off!

    iSync will sync up all your devices, but it won't do it behind your back!

    When we have a video conference the camera moves to the person who is talking but does not take over. It has the inititial person on the main screen and when someone else starts to speak it becomes picture in picture!

    What the F are they talking about 3-5 years - IT IS ALREADY HERE AND IT IS ON THE MAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. The screen is only about 15K!

    Aug 30, 03:20 PM
    And I just thought I had become the new folding god and all of those points came from me... the truth is too hard! :(