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kids wallpaper murals

kids wallpaper murals. Dreamworks Wallpaper Mural.
  • Dreamworks Wallpaper Mural.

  • gopher
    Sep 29, 12:15 PM
    has just finished a series of speed tests from its readers. At least for today the homepage shows these tests. Looks like the DDR does have a speed advantage in some tests. Shows you that barefeets tests aren't conclusive after all. Intriguingly the Flat Panel iMac 800 Mhz is actually faster in these tests than the Powerbook G4 800 even though the G4 800 has an L3 cache the iMac does not. Just goes to show there are as many different ways to test speed as there are people out there testing, and no one way will yield a conclusive result.

    kids wallpaper murals. Wallpaper/ Wall Mural
  • Wallpaper/ Wall Mural

  • Blue Velvet
    Jun 11, 04:51 AM
    Apple (and many others) will be taking a very close look at where 'broadcast' television and other video content meets the computer in the home and on the move. The video iPod is just the visible tip of this iceberg.

    This is the area that will have the most legs in the medium to long-term and one where they can potentially carve out a lucrative space.

    As to what form these products may take, I haven't the faintest clue. :p

    The other thing where we can expect some movement is iTunes on phones and other mobile devices. Many people here (myself included) wouldn't want a phone with that functionality but recent research by Nokia shows that about 2/3rds of people do... this is the iPod's achilles heel in terms of future growth.


    kids wallpaper murals. Lion Wall Mural for Kids
  • Lion Wall Mural for Kids

  • bousozoku
    Nov 7, 07:49 PM
    just go to the main site and download the preview again?

    Anyone see why I don't post links to beta software now? :D

    The final product should be ready shortly but those plug-in writers need to fix their software to work with the proper interface. They probably had to write workarounds to get everything to work with the broken interface tha Firefox has been using all this time.

    kids wallpaper murals. Wallies Wallpaper Murals
  • Wallies Wallpaper Murals

  • madamimadam
    Oct 16, 08:55 PM
    While I am no insider, I get the feeling that Apple might be just waiting for their stock to reduce a little before releasing new PowerBooks.

    PowerBook 667s have been shipping to fill backlog whereas 800s have been in stock for a while.

    As I suggested, I am just speculating here but maybe they are waiting to sell more 800s and clear stock and then they will release.

    kids wallpaper murals. Car Racers Wallpaper Mural
  • Car Racers Wallpaper Mural

  • killmoms
    Mar 23, 04:26 PM
    I'm playing it! :D

    I actually was in the original beta for Uru Live when it was still an Ubisoft project back in mid-to-late 2003. When I heard it was being resurrected (and ported to Intel Macs), I got very excited, and actually got into the new beta as well. I'm enjoying it quite a lot, it's definitely quite cool for a Myst fan to be able to wander the caverns of D'ni, and the user community is very passionate (to the point of framing most discussions within public areas of the game as "in cavern," or role-playing as if the experience is real) and helpful (there are always people willing to help with the couple group puzzles or give you hints/assistance if you're stuck).

    kids wallpaper murals. Childrens bedroom wallpaper
  • Childrens bedroom wallpaper

  • JackAxe
    Apr 12, 12:29 AM
    This is a nice update. I was hoping for a Flash 8, but I guess that was hoping for too much. :o At least it supports 7, fp6 would have blown.

    I've been using my Wii to check a current site I'm working on, since it's the only web device I have that doesn't have Flash 9 installed, it has been good for testing.


    kids wallpaper murals. Posted in Wallpaper Murals,
  • Posted in Wallpaper Murals,

  • phil c
    Sep 30, 03:37 AM
    Originally posted by ericb88

    kids wallpaper murals. Wall Murals, Kids
  • Wall Murals, Kids

  • livingfortoday
    Jun 7, 06:47 AM
    Until the 10.4.6 update you could use InCrease on Intel Macs and set that up to fold using both cores. I guess you could always go back to 10.4.5 and run that! It'll be really slow on an Intel Mac, btw. My girlfriends 1.25Ghz G4 Mini will do a work unit in 3 - 5 days, and my Intel Core Solo takes about 30 days. Ridiculous.

    I've since started using the BOINC client which is a UB, and doing SETI and Einstein@home, since both seem to run well on the Intel. No folding thingie for the BOINC client yet, though, I'm afraid.

    kids wallpaper murals. Sea Adventure Wallpaper amp;
  • Sea Adventure Wallpaper amp;

  • Gaz
    Sep 14, 01:48 PM
    Originally posted by jefhatfield
    ...or make the 64 MB video card as a "bto option" on any of the ibooks and charge the extra amount for it

    ...and have the 32 meg video card as "standard" for ibook

    that's another thought;)

    That's a great idea and it would be nice to be able to customise the machine a little more than at present (might even make the machines for affordable to some and give the power boasts to those who want it). Shame I don't think it will happen.

    kids wallpaper murals. Wall murals in a kit!
  • Wall murals in a kit!

  • technocoy
    Oct 24, 09:42 AM
    plus if the screen was flipped that way, then the tabs and ports on the back of the computer would be reversed...

    good photoshopping glowurm


    kids wallpaper murals. wall mural wall paper wall
  • wall mural wall paper wall

  • RugoseCone
    Jun 24, 10:49 PM
    We are kicking some serious folding butt these days. Four teams to pass on the horizon and three of them by February! Having some issues with my "farm" in Atlanta, but hopefully that will get sorted out as my compatriot gets things handled.

    But all the good news doesn't mean we can slack off! Gotta keep those Knights away and regain a spot in the top 20...

    kids wallpaper murals. Wall Mural Ideas Kids Room
  • Wall Mural Ideas Kids Room

  • MacBytes
    Dec 23, 11:32 AM
    Category: 3rd Party Software
    Link: Oracle releases production version of 10g database ( for OS X (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20041223123251)
    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Approved by Mudbug

    kids wallpaper murals. Kids wallpaper murals: Child`s
  • Kids wallpaper murals: Child`s

  • ijimk
    Mar 28, 09:31 AM
    I am sure I was not one of the only ones hoping apple would unveal soething today to celebrate their 30th anniversary today. I really hope they release the iphone and true video ipod... So how many of you think it will be 4-4-06 for the keynote???:confused:

    kids wallpaper murals. Kids#39; Wallpaper Mural (800495)
  • Kids#39; Wallpaper Mural (800495)

  • bidge
    Sep 1, 03:47 AM
    Say they released it next year, then people would all think about buying it rather than the next version of Winblows. Windows on the shelf beside it will be 5 times the price, yet it will have next to no features improved over their current one.

    I don't think that there would be a big problem with people not buying macs. I now have two macs and since I converted I have a PC. I would buy a copy of 10.2 for my PC but would not even think of buying another PC.

    kids wallpaper murals. Quick View. Walltastic Jungle
  • Quick View. Walltastic Jungle

  • darkwing
    Mar 20, 12:08 PM
    A while ago there was a thread in which many people suggested I get Oblivion for the PS3 when it comes out. I've never played it before, and the game is out... so should I get it? Convince me!

    I've spent about 95&#37; of my RPG life playing JRPGs, and I've never really cared for American ones. I did like a few, though.

    So, let me hear some opinions and we'll see what I do. :P I might try to rent it somewhere and check it out or something first.

    Let me say what I really care about in an RPG more than anything is a story with an intriguing plot that makes me want to keep playing to find out what happens.

    kids wallpaper murals. World Map Wall Mural
  • World Map Wall Mural

  • pcypert
    Mar 22, 11:33 AM
    I haven't played the cube version, but liked the 64 version. It is a bit easy...the story was pretty lame, but for some reason I liked it. It and SMRPG are just hitting buttons at the right time a lot....but still make it halfway fun somehow...but I could care less about the story and all that they try and put in.


    kids wallpaper murals. Posted in Wallpaper Murals,
  • Posted in Wallpaper Murals,

  • MrMacMan
    Jan 25, 04:58 PM
    Originally posted by jefhatfield
    ...but the teens still really rule this board as you will see...talk to super posters, ibookin, ubergeek, scem0, or a few others and you will reach 500 before you know it


    You joke, you joke!
    How many of them are in the top 10 posters?


    BTW, you old guys are taking over.


    kids wallpaper murals. Kids Wall Mural 9#39; x 15#39;
  • Kids Wall Mural 9#39; x 15#39;

  • MrMacMan
    Nov 16, 12:32 AM
    And 601 Means you post to much...


    Haha just kidding.

    kids wallpaper murals. Kids Wall Decor
  • Kids Wall Decor

  • asherman13
    Apr 30, 07:08 PM
    CNN.com - Viruses catch up to the Mac (http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/04/30/apple.security.ap/index.html)

    SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- Benjamin Daines was browsing the Web when he clicked on a series of links that promised pictures of an unreleased update to his computer's operating system.

    Instead, a window opened on the screen and strange commands ran as if the machine was under the control of someone -- or something -- else.

    I'm pretty sure this happened here, right? Yankeefan24? :p

    redeye be
    May 29, 01:21 PM

    My non internet connected Dual G4 has 2 WU's complete, I wouldn't have remembered to connect it if it were not for this thread!

    Runs to connect the Quickaudio to the net :)
    Glad you didn't read it tomorrow!

    Why not keep 'em connected? Minimal inter-WU folding downtime! ;) :D

    Oct 15, 03:40 PM
    Originally posted by MacBandit

    Seeing how I live in Oregon the land of beer I don't think getting good beer will be a problem. I do accept paypal and billpay.


    Oct 23, 08:46 AM
    And here, wednesday morning on the east coast, most of the mac rumor type sites are pretty quiet...maybe before the storm?

    Mar 24, 09:40 PM
    ok you guys i've been researching this and i came across a post at onmac.net here's the link http://forum.onmac.net/archive/index.php/t-1532.html

    for the lazy ones this is a posters response to a problem similar to ours:

    "you need to edit the video.con file to set it to the res of your desktop change the file ext from Video.con to Video.txt then edit it and save it then change the file ext back to Video.con

    I doubt its a DirectX error as that normally throws up a (dx blah blah error ) window but to make sure dl the latest dx9 if you want to bypass the WGA downloader look at http://www.uneasysilence.com/archive/2006/06/6859/

    it lives in /Program Files/Electronic Arts/Battlefield2/mods/BF2/Settings/Profiles/Custom/Video.con

    that path may not be exact as im doing it from memory but the file you need to edit is the Video.con file so you could just search for all your Video.con files and edit the resolution in there (def 800 600 32 0 ) mine is set to 1680 1050 32 0 as its on my 17" macbook.

    you need to do the same if you want to play the BF 2142


    Right-click your Battlefield 2 desktop icon and click "Properties". Under the "Target field", add this: +szx 1280 +szy 800

    This will force Battlefield 2's resolution into the resolution 13" MacBooks use.

    Tell me if it works! (i cant test right now)
    Good luck w/Battlefield 2!

    Mar 18, 11:54 AM
    Yes, 360 has rumble, but it also has 1080p, as does PS3's.

    I'd go Xbox 360 for online

    VT3 on the 360 supports native 1080p as well.


    Yeah it looks like 360 online is the swinger. I'll go for that version I think.